Thai Consulate in Penang

Thai EmbassyThis is the Thai Consulate in Penang. If you are going to be working in Thailand and need a visa then the Thai consulate in Penang is normally the most used embassy in Asia next to the Thai embassy in Cambodia and the Thai embassy in Laos. The embassy is very busy and they are very strict with the Thai visas.

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Thai Embassy in Maldives

Thai EmbassyThe Thai Embassy in Maldives. If you are in the Maldives then you will find the Thai Embassy in the Maldives in Male. We have listed their contact details below with a map and their operating hours for a Thai visa. You can apply for a tourist visa, marriage visa or a retirement visa while in the Maldives.

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Thai Consulate NYC (New York)

Thai EmbassyThese are the Thai Consulate NYC (New York) details. The contact details and location for the Thai Consulate in New York city has been listed below. Note that each consulate only does certain regions as has been listed below. If you live on the West Coast then you need to contact the Thai Embassy in Los Angeles for assistance.

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Royal Thai Embassy Washington

Thai EmbassySee the Royal Thai Embassy Washington on here. There are a number of Thai embassies in the United States. The Royal Thai embassy in Washington is the most popular Thai embassy in the US with regards to a Thai visa. This embassy can issue you a marriage visa if you have a Thai wife, also called the Thai “O” visa. If you are going to do business in Thailand or work in Thailand then you need to have a business visa or Thai “B” visa for Thailand.

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